Girl Ghost Image At Prison | Girl Ghost With Old Lady Ghost

I took this picture at Old Newgate Prison in Connecticut. I noticed nothing abnormal when I took the picture, but when I got it onto my computer I saw the girl in the third window on the second floor. This is the origional guard building from the prison, and as far as I am aware no one is allowed on the top floor. My Uncle who was with me that day also sees someone behind the girl and a face in the lower left corner of the second window. It wasn't busy that day, and the girl doesn't fit with anyone my uncle or myself saw. Nor why she would have been leaning out the window on a hot day, when she was in an air conditioned building. says sender.

The size of the girl does not seem proportionate to the window size. If the window is the same size as the one to the far left, then in my estimation, the girl should be quite a bit smaller. So a ghost is a possibility. I also see a second figure to the far left. Appears to be an older lady.

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