Swirling Shadow Ghost | Real Shadow Ghost | Scary Ghost Picture

Brea writes, this photo of a "shadow being" was taken by a computer camera. The person whose home it was had some anomalous things going on and often 'felt' that an unseen being was lurking. She left her computer web camera on for a few hours, recording the room, then went back and looked through the frames. This is what showed up on only two of them. Is this the first true photo of a shadow person? Shadow people are seen by thousands of people and some speculate they're another 'species' of life that just move too fast for us to see. Some catch them out of the corner of their eyes and others have had pretty harrowing, face-on encounters with them. There are people who swear if you record with a web camera like this and play it back, or record with a video camera and loop it thought your TV, then look frame by frame when you're done, you'll find all kinds of beings/things stopping by. Cameras see things we can't and don't. You know that odd feeling that you're being watched?
Submitted by: Brea

1 Response to "Swirling Shadow Ghost | Real Shadow Ghost | Scary Ghost Picture"

Unknown said...

This reminds me of SCP-280

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