Queen Mary Ghost | Ghost of Queen Mary

Queen Mary Ghost

Ghost Photo by Joe LaRocca : Queen Mary Ghost
While aboard the Queen Mary a few years back my Uncle George took this picture of what he thought was an ordinary vestibule. When he got home he printed out his pictures but wasn’t expecting to find what looks like a ghost walking down the hall. My Uncle is 78 and does not believe in ghosts, but this freaked him out. He doesn’t even like to talk about the incident. I was just watching a special on the 10 most haunted places and when the Queen Mary was listed I felt compelled to send in the picture.

Many emails have poured in since the original poating of the photo. All stating that they belive this to be the best Ghost Photo ever taken on the Queen Mary to date. Many have also voted this to be the best Ghost Photo of the year for 2008.

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