1929 Ghost Picture | 1929 Ghost

1929 Ghost Picture

This ghost picture, taken by the late Robert D. Walsh at a mill in the United States, was published in 1929.
The lady appears to be looking downward, as she descends. It is an incredible photograph and story:

"(The) photo is what was published local in 1929. Far as I know, it made no big impact at that time. I now reside in the UK and just really needed to let you have this. Personally, I think it is genuine and probably one of the best I have ever seen for existence of life after death. (The) picture was taken in what was then called Fanham Wood Mill in early January 1929, by builders aid Robert D. Walsh. Mr. Walsh was renovating the inner staircase and needed a photographic aid to measure timber needed for the project (timber was expensive even then). Mr Walsh did not see anything other than the staircase and timber jointed roof, whilst taking the photograph, and he swears nobody other than himself and his dog were present. However Mr. Walsh did think his dog was being 'different' that afternoon, but he just thought it was because the dog was in a strange place (Note: Mr. Walsh did not say what he meant by referring to 'different.'). Mr. Walsh did renovate said mill several weeks later, and says he did not see or hear anything unusual at all. The photograph was given to us by Mr. Walsh's great granddaughter who wishes to remain anonymous. Mr. Walsh died in November 1943, having sworn many times to the authenticity of the enclosed photo."

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