Vulture Mine City Ghost Town Arizona

Vulture Mine City Ghost Town, Arizona

A low-hanging ironwood tree drapes over the crumbling remains of an abandoned stone house, one-time home of Henry Wickenburg, patriarch of this forgotten town. Run your hands along the rough gray bark and turn your eyes to the skeletal frame of branches that arch overhead. Justice was often swift and harsh in these places.

Eighteen miners were strung up from this tree more than 100 years ago, close enough for Wickenburg to see their feet dangling in front of the window. Their crime? Stealing ore from established claims. Although the mines of the area yielded countless riches, Wickenburg ended up a pauper who later put a bullet in his head.

Today the town's last full-time resident, Marge Osborne, recalls seeing mysterious haunting figures and hearing unexplained knocking whenever she walked the streets at night beside the jail, the assay office, the schoolhouse, the smithy. Although most of the structures have withered under sun and rain, the old ironwood thrives, nearly engulfing what's left of Wickenburg's ruined home.

Take U.S. 60 west 2 1/2 miles out of Wickenburg to Vulture Mine Road. Turn south and travel 12 miles.

For more information, call Osborne at (602) 859-2743.

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