Ghost on the house window

See In The Window..??? Is she Ghost???
This is a photograph that was taken by a friends son. Akash was working for a roofing outfit from Tremont, Illinois KochConstruction. He snapped this photograph with his camera phone. The story he told me was that they were hired to roof the house by the new owners. According to him, the lady who lived there had passed away nearly three months before. They had been working on the house for two days and had seen no one there. I know the picture looks suspicious but Akash isn't one to lie to me. 

Girl Ghost Scary Picture Under the Bed

Real Scary Ghost under the bed.

A Really scary girl Ghost is visible in this photograph under the bed in hospital. Isn't is so scary? What you says guys?

A Ghost visible behind the Couple

Who is the Backside of the Couple in the photograph? 

Not too much is known about the specifics of this photograph except the couple are now both deceased. To the right of the tree in the upper right-hand corner is a definite misty shape in the form of a human being.

Ghost With Glowing Eyes in Forest

This Images Sender Person Says : While taking photos in our localpark, I saw the strange mist in two photos. I don't know if it is something paranormal, or if it was something wrong with my camera. In this photo I captured something really weird. It looks like some ghostly face with glowing eyes to me. By the way, there are no lights or lamps in the distance; there is only a wall and the end of a park. And darkness. So I can't understand how these lights could appeared on the picture.

A Lonely Ghost Story

Three middle-aged people were sitting in the library. They were telling ghost stories to each other, trying to outdo each other. A forlorn-looking child was also sitting there but no one was paying any attention to him. The first one narrated a story of a woman who died when her lover didn’t turn up in the church for their wedding. She waited for hours, all dressed up as a bride, only to realize that he never intended to come in the first place. She ran all the way to a nearby cliff and jumped down. She still haunts the church and many people have seen a lady running all the way to the cliff, dressed as a bride. Many tried to run after her to save her too but they could never stop her from jumping. Then, naturally, there was no dead body to be found.

The boy was aghast and wild-eyed. These people seem to have no sense of age-appropriateness and what could such stories do the child’s mind. Second one told a more ghastly tale of a mother who was buried with her child. She appeared everyday to the milkman and used to snatch a bottle from him and run towards the cemetery. Third day, the milkman ran after her, only to find that she disappeared in a particular grave. He could also hear cries of baby from the grave. He was terrified. He ran back and brought more people with him. When they dug the grave, they found that the child was alive and the dead mother had a half-empty bottle in her hands with the nipple in baby’s mouth.

The boy was very agitated by now. He stood up and started pacing the room. He could not hear more. Before the third man could open his mouth, he suddenly lurched towards the three men and tried to shake them to sense and not talk about such fearful things. But his hands just passed through their bodies. He turned and tried to touch each other things but he kept passing through them. It was then he realized that he was not some made-up story of these three old-aged men. He was a ghost, a very lonely ghost.



Here is a Picture of a real ghost figure. You can clearly see a figure in front of the door. The figure was not seen at the time as the room was pitch black and the photo was taken with a flash.

Haunted Asylum Basement | Ghost In Basement | Real Scary Ghost In Basement

This is a ghost in the now tore down Clinton Valley Center/Pontiac St. Asylum in Pontiac Michigan. I took a photo of a hallway in the basement tunnels reported to have a shock treatment room from the late 1800's where they shackled the inmates and hosed them with ice water as some sort of treatment. It was probably bricked over as an embarrassment in the 20th century. When I developed the film this image was there. I lightened the area where the ghost image appeared.
Submitted by: Jay

Ghost In Window On Wedding | Wedding Ghost In Window | Real Scary Ghost Picture

The ghost of a young woman showed up in this picture at my sisters wedding. She is actually within the decorative window. The window is only for decoration that there is no space behind it for anyone to stand.
Submitted by: Amy Simpson

Car Crash Scene Ghost | Car Accident Ghost | Accident Ghost Picture | Real Accident Ghost | Ghost In Newspaper

This is a picture of a newspaper clipping. The head-on collision killed a young mother of 3 boys. The accident happened approximately 8 years ago, I'm sorry I don't remember the exact date. I do remember several people talking about a "face" in the front end of the car the woman had been in but I didn't remember seeing it. I was at my mother's house yesterday and she was looking through old pictures and among them was this newspaper clipping. I picked it up and was about to ask her why she had saved it when the face just jumped out at me. My mother had stated she had cut the article and just put it away. I told her I wanted to scan it and send it to and she allowed me to bring the clipping home. I did scan it but it didn't scan plain, so I laid the clipping on my couch and took a picture of it with my digital camera, Fujifilm FinePix A205. I only had on the overhead light and did not use a flash. After I downloaded the pictures I picked the best one and drew a circle around the face, although I feel pointing it out is needless as it is so plain. I then cropped the front section of the car to better see the face. To my surprise you can also see what looks like an arm and leg, as if the person was curled up in a fetal position. I enjoy visiting your website frequently and I hope that you feel this capture is good enough to post. Thank you.
Submitted by: erLowe

Real Ghost Girl Dracula | The Infamous Ghost Girl | Real Vampire Girl Dracula | Girl Ghost Behind A Boy | Fort Mountain Ghost In Georgia

"READ BEFORE OPENING THE PHOTO... The young man in this photo visited a historic site in Georgia called Fort Mountain with his friends and he asked them to take his photo while hiking. While his friend took the photo, he screamed and fainted. Then 2 days later he died in the hospital. The doctors said he died from a heart attack.
Submitted by: Piyush

Winchester Mystery House Ghost | Ghost Of Winchester Mystery House | Real Ghost In Winchester Mystery House

We wanted to share this interesting picture with your readers. In August of 2007 my wife and I went to the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose. The attached picture was taken with our digital camera a little after 1 pm. This was taken in the room named the "25,000 Dollar room", that contained a lot of unused decorations and stained-glass windows. While scrolling thought the pictures I noticed something different. To the left of the white post in the middle of the picture is the shadow of someone or something wearing a hat.
Submitted by: Larry

Swirling Shadow Ghost | Real Shadow Ghost | Scary Ghost Picture

Brea writes, this photo of a "shadow being" was taken by a computer camera. The person whose home it was had some anomalous things going on and often 'felt' that an unseen being was lurking. She left her computer web camera on for a few hours, recording the room, then went back and looked through the frames. This is what showed up on only two of them. Is this the first true photo of a shadow person? Shadow people are seen by thousands of people and some speculate they're another 'species' of life that just move too fast for us to see. Some catch them out of the corner of their eyes and others have had pretty harrowing, face-on encounters with them. There are people who swear if you record with a web camera like this and play it back, or record with a video camera and loop it thought your TV, then look frame by frame when you're done, you'll find all kinds of beings/things stopping by. Cameras see things we can't and don't. You know that odd feeling that you're being watched?
Submitted by: Brea

Amityville Ghost Revealed | Ghost Of Amityville | Real Scary Child Boy Ghost In Amityville

In an interview with George Lutz IN 2003, he was asked about this photo, and here is his reply. George Lutz and his family were the ones tormented in Amityville.

The first time that picture was shown was on the Merv Griffin show back in 1979. It was discovered 3 years after it was taken. Gene Campbell, who was a professional photographer, was brought into the house in 1976 when the Warrens went in with their team. He set up an automatic camera on the 2nd floor landing that shot off infrared film, black and white, throughout the night. There are literally rolls of film with nothing on them. There's only one picture of the little boy. In 1979, I was putting together a book that has yet to be published that included the photographs.

The secretary I had at the time was about eight months pregnant. We had dozens of these pictures to choose from that didn't have the boy, and she asked me: "Which one should we put in the book?" I told her to just pick one. She came running back into my office about 5 minutes later saying that every time she picked up the photograph with the boy, the baby kicked her. We then asked my kids if they knew who this was. Missy said it was the little boy she used to play with in the house. I then called the Warrens and the photographer and let them know about the picture."

The ghostly image seems to match the youngest DeFeo family member who was murdered in the house.

Ghost In Pillow | Ghost Face In Pillow | Real Scary Ghost Face | Pillow Ghost

I took a picture for my girlfriend. It's of me and my son. After seeing it, my girlfriend told me that my picture really freaked her out because it looks like a ghost in the pillow above our head.
Submitted by: John

Crying Ghost Girl | Real Scary Crying Ghost Girl | Real Ghost Girl Video

Footage taken in a haunted house (supposedly). The camera guy opens the door aims the camera inside then leaves wondering if that really was a human figure sitting on the floor as if crying. He then goes back and focuses on the object which is now moving towards him. I wouldn't begin to suggest this is authentic footage of a true ghost but we're posting it here just in case.... freaky!
Submitted by: Ghostmatter /

Watch the Video Footage of creepy crying ghost girl

Black Forest Haunted Mirror | Black Forest Haunting | Real Haunted Mirror | Scary Ghost In Mirror | Creepy Mirror Ghost

Juliana writes - "This photo was taken in a well established haunted home in the Black Forest of Colorado. Rarely do the resident’s pics turn out normal. I am sending along a mirror capture from that home. The mirror is as haunted as the home and as you can see, produced two gruesome faces with white eyes!"
Submitted by: Juliana

Haunted House For Sale On Ebay | Real Haunted House | Scary Ghost House

House went up for auction on eBay in 2004

Woman says house haunted, offers it on eBay
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Some strange events have been happening at Colleen Meyers' home ever since she decided to sell the two-story Victorian style house online.

It's as if the ghosts know that I am going to leave them," she writes on her eBay sale site. "My tenant has reported more sightings, items that have been moved around, and says he keeps hearing someone walking around during the night." Over the years, Meyers has seen a fan fly across the room and one time saw what she thought was her son in a flannel shirt playing peek-a-boo. But when she went around the corner, her son was sleeping on the couch, she said. If someone in the house talks about the ghosts, they show up more often, she said. Tenants upstairs have also seen people standing around their bed at night, and, in one case, pinning them down to the mattress, she said. The 1892 house is located near a historic Yankton neighborhood in an area was once an old fort, said Meyers, who hopes to get $225,000 for the home. In the month she has posted the sale, she has received three inquiries. But she said she has temporarily taken it off eBay until after Halloween so potential buyers don't think it's a joke. She thinks the three-bedroom, three-bath home that offers 2,200 square feet of space could be turned into a bed and breakfast where "guests meet ghosts," her advertisement states. If she had the money, that's what she would do, Meyers said. Psychic Donna O'Dea knows about the home and has told Meyers it's haunted. "They have all sorts of manifestations, all sorts of noises and rapping and tapping," she said. According to O'Dea, one ghost is a man who once lived in the house but didn't get along with his wife. He has told O'Dea he won't leave because he knows his wife won't come there. "Some places really do seem to be haunts for ghosts. They gather together just the way the living gather together, like at a coffee shop," she said. "There are houses where old ghosts meet. They can see each other. They can talk to each other." Despite the strange goings on, Meyers says she is fairly comfortable in her house. "A lot of things happen and I just say, 'That just happens,' and my friends say, 'Yeah, if you live in a haunted house,' " Meyers said.

Contributing: Information from the Argus Leader

Article source: USA TODAY

Submitted by: Ghostmatter

Shadow Ghost In Window | Creepy Ghost In Window | Window Ghost | Black Ghost Figure In Window | Real Ghost In House Window

Tammy writes, "This photo was taken Monday 14th November 2005. It is a photo of Bivouac Hut, half way up the Staircase, Mt Bogong See the figure in the window to the left, I didn't look at photos taken until I was off the mountain and I found this image had a little something extra that I didn't see myself. I'm not sure what I am looking at but has freaked us all out."
Submitted by: Tammy

Ghost With Bicycle | Ghost Can't Resist A Bicycle | Afterlife Ghost | Real Creepy Ghost

This picture was taken in 1995 in Highbury Barn North London. The photographer (David) was taking a picture of the bicycle and when he had the film developed this is how it looked. David has since died but I could research and dig for any more information if required.
Submitted by: Caroline Houghton

Ghost In Fire | Bonfire Summons Entity | Ghost Figure In Fire | Creepy Ghost Figure In Bonfire

I took this picture with my cell phone. My friend and I had started a small bonfire and we were playing around a bit while taking a few pictures. In this particular photo we noticed a human like figure leaning out from behind me. To us it looks like some type of creature that is miserable and sad. What gives us the chills is that my friend and I were alone. There was no one else there that could have been in the picture with me. Maybe the underworld thought we were practicing a summoning ritual. Anyway, we are a bit scared that we might have inadvertently unleashed something from beyond. If there is a reasonable explanation for this, please let us know. It would be a relief to have it explained. Thanks for your time!
Submitted by: Joe Robbins

Ghost Face In Tv | Spirit In The Tv Screen | Real Ghost In Tv Screen | Scary Ghost In Tv | Television Ghost Real Scary | Real Scary Ghost Photo

This is a picture taken at my friends house. If you look closely, you can see what looks like a face in the TV screen. It's at the top of the screen. The TV was not on at the time (power light off). No one really noticed what was in the picture for several years. Incidentally, the guy in the pic died of a heart attack within a few years of this photo. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with this or not. No one in the family recognizes the face in the TV. The film was developed at Wal-Mart in the photo dept.
Submitted by: Nilson

Ghost Goes Strolling By | Real Ghost With Girls | Ghost In Real | Car Ghost | Smoke Ghost | Ghost Face in Fog

My name is Heather. This picture was taken about 4 years ago in Carbondale, IL. It was in a parking lot between a bar and an apartment building. Several pictures were taken there before and after this single photograph.

Normally I am good at explaining away blurs and such in pictures. But this one was unusual because it was the only picture like it. It was not foggy that night and there is not reason why this fog like image should be in this picture...what is the creepiest thing about it is that the fog looks like a man turned toward the camera. He is wearing a jacket and a hat and is dressed kinda old fashioned. I can not explain it so hopefully you can. Thank you for your time.

Submitted by: Heather

Bran Dracula Castle In Brasov Romania | Real Dracula Castle House | Vlad Dracula's Castle | Vampire In Bran Castle | Count Dracula In Bran Castle

Haunted Bran Castle | A castle with a horrifying legacy | House of Count Dracula | Bran Dracula Castle In Brasov Romania | Real Dracula Castle | Vlad Dracula's Castle | Real Dracula House | Dracula Home | Real Castle Dracula | Vampire In Bran Castle | Count Dracula In Bran Castle

Bran castle has been famous for count Dracula, the tyrannical vampire who lived in a place called Romania. The character has gained an amazing amount of fame after a book under the same name was written by Bram Stoker in the year 1876.’

It has now been exalted to the status of a landmark in this Eastern European country. This castle has been given its name because it was, home to Prince Vlad Tepes who then became Count Dracula. Every year tourists come to this place to get a look at the furniture and art works collected by Queen Marie. The tourists can see the castle individually or do so with the help of a guide. As far as the history of this castle is concerned, legend has it that this site was built in 1212 by Knights of the Teutonic Order. At that time it was known as Dietrichstein. Why most of the people believe that this castle could be home to count Dracula is because of the fact that it has a lot of secret passages which can easily hide a vampire in them.

Prince Vlad Tepes(1431-1476) did not reside in this castle actually but gained refuge in its dungeons of two days when the Ottomans had seized Transylvania. He was the prince of the place named Wallachia and imposed very strict rules there when it came to punishing anybody who could pose a threat to his reign. There were many such people according to him including beggars, clever priests, cruel and exacting Saxons and scheming noblemen. The castle was used for providing defense against the Ottoman empire for the first time in the year 1378.

It was then used for the purpose of serving as a customs post on the pass between Transylvania and Wallachia.

Clad started imposing death punishments on anybody whom deemed was sent by his step brother Vlad the Monk or cousin Dan the Young to harm him. He was called Dracula because his signatures were made in his father’s name with Dracul or devil. Coming to the more recent years, after the royal family was thrown out of this place in the year 1948, the communist regime gained hold of this castle. But in 2006 the ownership of this castle was finally awarded to Prince of Tuscany whose name was Dominic von Habsburg, an architect in New York.

He had inherited the castle from his mother Princess Illeana, daughter of Queen Marie.

He finally decided to put up the castle for auction in year 2007 but the government of Romania did not allow him to do so. In fact the castle has now been converted into a museum for tourists. This castle attracts tourists from all over the world now. It shows to the tourists the artifact collected by Queen Marie including the conventional tapestries and furniture collected by her as a mark of Romanian culture. One can also get to see the museum located at the bottom of a hill displaying conventional peasant structures.

Lake Loch Ness And Its Scary Monster Nessie | Nessie Monster In Loch Ness Lakh | Scary Monster Nessie Real Photos | Most Popular Lake in World

Lake Loch Ness And Its Scary Monster Nessie

All of us have heard about the Loch Ness Lake Monster who is of a gigantic size. It lives in what has become the most popular lake in the world due to the inhabitance of this monster. The Loch Ness Lake is situated on the Fort Augustus in Scotland and extends till Bona Ferry narrows.

It covers a distance of approximately 23 miles and is 754 feet deep. The volume of water contained in this lake is the most staggering fact about it and is higher than any other lake in Great Britain also. It is three times more than the water contained in the Lake Loch Lomond.

Over the years many people have reportedly seen this monster who is known by the name of Nessie. Their description is about a huge creature with a small head accompanied by a long neck, a big body with bumps. Nessie also has a long tail along with flippers that are four in number.
It is quite strange but in all these sightings nobody has ever been scared by the appearance of this monster. It’s existence came to be known to the world in the year 1933. On 2 May 1933, Alex Campbell who was a part-time journalist saw this creature for the first time. He was the one who gave the term monster to the creature. Alex was also a water officer for the same lake. His report was published in the Courier edition of the Inverness. His claims were later substantiated by George Spicer who also saw the creature while roaming in the area along with his wife. He had seen the animal rushing in the lake carrying an animal in its jaws.

Interestingly enough, now many people reported in the Courier that they had been told about viewing the monster. The first official photograph of this amazing creature was taken on 6 December, 1933 and it got an official recognition when the Secretary of State for Scotland asked police to curb any kinds of possible attacks by people on it. In 1934, a photograph featuring the head of the monster was also taken that incited a new interest of it. In this year only a book by writer R. T. Gould was also published which told about his personal research about the monster of how he has been there in the lake before the summer of 1933. Now many books have also been published that claim that the monster has been in existence for a period earlier than the 6th century.

The latest information about this monster says that it has died and also the sightings are just hoaxes or related to other animals. For example, the sighting of Surgeon’s photograph has been found to be that of an elephant swimming in the lake which was not taken in this lake.

If you ever go to Scotland then this Lake is a must visit for you. You can go to the Loch Ness Exhibition Centre located at the Drumnadrochit, showing all the evidence related to the monster. If you are more of the daring variety then a visit to the lake can also be undertaken on a boat.

Haunted Villisca Axe Murder House | J.B. Moores Haunted House | Villisca Axe Murder House Mystery | Murder Mystery House | Villisca Town Square

Haunted Villisca Axe Murder Mystery House

Villisca happened to be a peaceful community until June 10, 1912, when eight bloody corpses were found in a mysterious house. The victims of the tragedy included the members of the J.B. Moore family, and two guests.

It still continues to be a mystery, and it has been almost 90 years now.

All that was not about the murder-mystery was a brutal confrontation, in which the killer had crushed the heads of the members of Moore family with an axe, but he was never caught, nor could anyone find evidence against the killer.

We visited the place during the month of June, which falls under the tour season, and museum timings are from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, so we started at about 10:30 am in the morning. Darwin arranges for the visit, and you are given the entry to the place, on first-come-first-serve basis.

Apparently, the place was not just haunted in past, but it’s still haunted till date, and when we visited the place, we had a sceptical feeling of being watched by someone secretly, and that the killer will probably come back to lay off more skulls.

There are two places worth your visit which include the famous Villisca Axe Murder house as well as the House Olson-Linn Museum, which is located at the Villisca Town Square.

During our visit to the Villisca Axe Murder house, Darwin walked us through the place, and though you may not find it scary right away, Darwin’s expressions and way of explaining things make it a scary deal for sure. When he mentioned about the door and the closet where the Moore family members were murdered, we got an off feeling of door opening slowly, and we noticed some white light coming from the closet through the crack between the door frames. Suddenly, we felt that the door closed back again, and as though the killer had got a glimpse of all of us.

If you’re weak hearted, then surely this is not a good place for you. By the way, you can grab a bite at the cafĂ© in town as well. Anyways, it costs just $10 per person to pay a visit to the Villisca Axe Murder House as well as the museum (no fee for children below 12 years, but carrying them is not advisable).

Well, continuing with our visit of Villisca Axe Murder House, we enjoyed the overall experience, and we tried to visualize the past, and it surely was a hell of an experience. My wife wasn’t really moved too much by the story, (she’s hard to convince for anything though), but my little daughter got pretty scared, and except for the odd moments when we felt like being watched, it was not that exceptional though.

You can find good literature about the past of the Villisca Axe Murder case in the museum, and we weren’t really moved by anything else in the museum. Overall, a good place to visit, if you’re bugged with usual trips and definitely recommendable for those who love hearing about murder mysteries and scary things.

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