Ghost on the house window

See In The Window..??? Is she Ghost???
This is a photograph that was taken by a friends son. Akash was working for a roofing outfit from Tremont, Illinois KochConstruction. He snapped this photograph with his camera phone. The story he told me was that they were hired to roof the house by the new owners. According to him, the lady who lived there had passed away nearly three months before. They had been working on the house for two days and had seen no one there. I know the picture looks suspicious but Akash isn't one to lie to me. 

Girl Ghost Scary Picture Under the Bed

Real Scary Ghost under the bed.

A Really scary girl Ghost is visible in this photograph under the bed in hospital. Isn't is so scary? What you says guys?

A Ghost visible behind the Couple

Who is the Backside of the Couple in the photograph? 

Not too much is known about the specifics of this photograph except the couple are now both deceased. To the right of the tree in the upper right-hand corner is a definite misty shape in the form of a human being.

Ghost With Glowing Eyes in Forest

This Images Sender Person Says : While taking photos in our localpark, I saw the strange mist in two photos. I don't know if it is something paranormal, or if it was something wrong with my camera. In this photo I captured something really weird. It looks like some ghostly face with glowing eyes to me. By the way, there are no lights or lamps in the distance; there is only a wall and the end of a park. And darkness. So I can't understand how these lights could appeared on the picture.

A Lonely Ghost Story

Three middle-aged people were sitting in the library. They were telling ghost stories to each other, trying to outdo each other. A forlorn-looking child was also sitting there but no one was paying any attention to him. The first one narrated a story of a woman who died when her lover didn’t turn up in the church for their wedding. She waited for hours, all dressed up as a bride, only to realize that he never intended to come in the first place. She ran all the way to a nearby cliff and jumped down. She still haunts the church and many people have seen a lady running all the way to the cliff, dressed as a bride. Many tried to run after her to save her too but they could never stop her from jumping. Then, naturally, there was no dead body to be found.

The boy was aghast and wild-eyed. These people seem to have no sense of age-appropriateness and what could such stories do the child’s mind. Second one told a more ghastly tale of a mother who was buried with her child. She appeared everyday to the milkman and used to snatch a bottle from him and run towards the cemetery. Third day, the milkman ran after her, only to find that she disappeared in a particular grave. He could also hear cries of baby from the grave. He was terrified. He ran back and brought more people with him. When they dug the grave, they found that the child was alive and the dead mother had a half-empty bottle in her hands with the nipple in baby’s mouth.

The boy was very agitated by now. He stood up and started pacing the room. He could not hear more. Before the third man could open his mouth, he suddenly lurched towards the three men and tried to shake them to sense and not talk about such fearful things. But his hands just passed through their bodies. He turned and tried to touch each other things but he kept passing through them. It was then he realized that he was not some made-up story of these three old-aged men. He was a ghost, a very lonely ghost.



Here is a Picture of a real ghost figure. You can clearly see a figure in front of the door. The figure was not seen at the time as the room was pitch black and the photo was taken with a flash.